The following function will automatically convert your ConfigMgr applications to .intunewin files that can be used in Intune to deploy Win32 applications. In my environment, we are using PSADT (Powershell App Deployment Toolkit) so this function worked great to convert my existing install scripts to something that I can use in Intune. Once the function has completed converting your applications, it will open the folder that will contain a subfolder for each Deployment Type that the application had. In those subfolders, you will find the .intunewin files.
Just keep in mind that if your install command in ConfigMgr is calling a file that is not in the content source path, the Convert-CMAppToIntune function will exit since the Win32 Content Prep Tool requires the setup file to exist with the content.
- Internet Connection (this is required to download the Win32 Content Prep Tool from Microsoft’s official Github repository)
- The setup file that you are calling in the install command must reside in the content source path.
- You must be trying to convert a Win32 application install
- ConfigMgr Module (Click here to learn how to load the module)
- AppName (Required)
- You will have to use the exact application name that you are using in ConfigMgr
- OutputFolder (Optional)
- By default the function will stage everything into your %TEMP% folder. However you can use this parameter to override that default location and stage your converted files anywhere.
Convert-CMAppToIntuneWin -AppName "Google Chrome"
Convert-CMAppToIntuneWin -AppName "VLC Media Player" -OutputFolder "D:\Intune"
Convert all of the applications in your ConfigMgr console:
Get-CMApplication | ForEach-Object { Write-Host "Converting $($_.LocalizedDisplayName)" ; Convert-CMAppToIntuneWin -AppName $_.LocalizedDisplayName }
hey, does this fill in all the info required for Intune like description etc. Does it also populate the logo, dependencies and things like detection methods?
Jose Espitia
It does not. It just converts your existing CM applications to intunewin files.
I was just looking through your site and found this. Great job.
I notice you are using the psappdeployment toolkit.
I just wondered how you are using interactive installs via intune. I know you can use serviceui.exe.
I can get my installs interactive but am just trying to sort something out for when no user is logged in.
Jose Espitia
Richard, I have used this approach in the past to get around the issue you are referring to. You essentially need a wrapper PS script that checks if someone is logged in or not and that script will determine if you need to run serviceui.exe for user interaction.